Surya Arts

Surya Arts

Surya’s Story

The 2015 tour of Surya’s Story was launched at the Peacejam UK Conference held at The University of Winchester. It received a wonderful response which resulted in a standing ovation. Our actor Pardip Kumar was asked to co-Emcee the Conference because he was seen as a positive role model who was able to share his talents, skills and positive energy.
Surya’s Story is essentially a play within a play. Travelling players come to the village to entertain and tell their story which is important in setting a strong and positive cultural image of India.
The play is set in the village of Masalpur in the State of Rajastan where a young girl called Surya works long hours sewing footballs.

One day, a fantastic dancer visits the village during the festival of Holi. The Middleman, Mr Chatterjee, lets the children who work for him watch the dancer as they sew their footballs. Surya becomes so engrossed in the dancer’s performance that she stops working. In that moment Surya discovers there is more to life than work. Also, that art has the power to transform.

After Mr. Chatterjee hits Surya across the hand for not working, she runs away from her village to join the march to Geneva where she and the other children will demand better conditions for child labourers. Surya’s mother is very sad and blames herself for all the responsibilities she put on her daughter.

Key aims of the programme:

  •  To bring to people in local schools and community centres an experience of exciting, high quality live theatre as well as rich educational experiences
  • To address Human Rights issues which fit the Every Child Matters Agenda and the Citizenship Curriculum
  • To enrich the experience for young people and the wider community by introducing them to new cultural forms
  • To provide a very positive role model of both Asians and men in a still largely mono-cultural area, where dance can still be regarded with suspicion by boys
  • To explore various cultures and challenge stereotyped assumptions through a multi-arts medium
  •  To develop understanding of our environment and our responsibilities to it through the concept of stewardship with reference to Agenda 21 (1992 UN Earth Summit)
  • To raise awareness of the Fairtrade campaign
  • To build up self esteem and self awareness
  • To enable young people to find out about the rights of the child in this country and globally, in particular Article 31 of the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • To give young people a voice to question and challenge and make choices about the commercial world around them
  • To encourage schools to embrace The Creative Curriculum by developing a cross curriculum approach to the Rights of the Child.

For a comprehensive overview of Surya’ Story, please download the feature article from the 2014 Summer Edition of Drama Magazine.



Dorset Tour Dates
15 June – 19 June
22 June – 26 June
29 June – 3 July
6 July – 10 July

Dates still available:
June: 18, 19, 22 & 25
July: 1 & 2

Birmingham Tour Dates
13 July – 17 July

Dates still available

For bookings and more information contact Sharon Muiruri: